Become A Web Developer - Jump Start Your Career!

Technology is omnipresent and there is a growing demand for highly skilled employees in Tech and Tech-related careers.

A career in Tech does not only rank amongst the highest paying jobs in the world, it is highly attractive and adaptable.

Web developers design websites and create website content for companies & clients. They play a key role in the way we see, relate and use websites, apps, and software.

As companies migrate their business to a virtual world, the ability to use web development tools effectively will make you extremely marketable and valuable.

From 2020 to 2030, employment of web developers is projected to grow to about 13%. There is a big opportunity for anyone who wants to be a valuable asset in today’s technology-driven world.

However, without the requisite skill sets and support system, launching a career in a new field, not least web development, can be a daunting and overwhelming challenge

Our web development course will expose you to the fundamentals of web development and lay a foundation to jump-start your career in Tech.

Whether you are a student planning to start your career or a professional hoping to switch careers, this program is made for you.

With the knowledge of the tools for web development, you can freelance, work as an employee or start your own company.

Let’s get started!

Skills covered in this course


HyperText Markup Language (HTML) allows coders to define a website’s basic structure and design. An HTML file tells a browser what to display on a device’s screen and how elements like paragraphs, lists and images are arranged.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) changes how HTML elements are displayed on a screen. Understanding CSS allows you to create great looking web pages across all major browsers. You can change a page’s layout, colors and fonts, as well as add effects to page elements.


JavaScript is a client-side language that is used alongside HTML and CSS to create dynamic, responsive websites.


Git is a software for tracking changes in any set of files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development.


WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS). It’s a popular tool for individuals without any coding experience who want to build websites and blogs.

Course Duration

3 Months (100% Virtual and flexible)
New session begins on the 15th of April 2022!

Final Project

Our end-of-the-course project will put you on the stage to unleash your creativity.

You will apply what you have learned in a 2-fold final project:

FP01_1: Design and build responsive and scalable websites using HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework.

FP01_2: Design a website using WordPress.

Career Support

Our team of dedicated experts and mentors will lead you through the learning process from day one and give you adequate support and mentorship on your job application process.

Course Certificate

A certificate will be issued at the end of the course.
As a registered organisation, this certificate is recognised can be used as proof of your knowledge and skill when applying for jobs.

Course Fee


Installment payment is possible. Subject to certain terms and conditions

Please contact us via:



Register to be part of the next session which begins on the 15th of April 2022.

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