Published on March 18, 2024

State of the Art E-Learning in Palermo

Training Course: “Learning, Teaching, Training Activity: “Implement AI Assessment & Coaching framework in your youth work”

Artificial intelligence is the future of education!

The use of state-of-the-art technologies is expected to accelerate the long-overdue transformation of education systems towards inclusive, accessible, and equitable learning that will prepare young people to thrive and shape a better future.

Over three full training days, 15 international participants gained insights into the latest, scientifically proven methods for creating successful online courses. This includes pedagogical and content development approaches as well as aspects of data-based personalization and artificial intelligence.

Participants were guided through a research-based online didactic method (Flindt 2020) and showed how to structure and create engaging online learning programs.
Exposure to AI tools for education and hands-on experience with the AI-based Custom Learning Plan Generator (Flindt, Rohde 2023) were gained.

The specific methods and tools were developed as part of the EU-funded educational projects for young migrants and refugees “e-VELP” and “RAISE” in cooperation with the Heidelberg University of Education and Vilnius University, among others. The focus of the live training is therefore particularly on the application in educational projects for young people and newcomers.

As an organisation interested in innovative educational approaches to make a difference for youth and/or young migrants and refugees, Horizon Resource Network participated fully in the training program in the boisterous city of Palermo in Italy. Together with partners from various organisations and countries, we delved fully into the cutting-edge & research-based methods and practices for developing brain-stimulating courses and custom learning platforms by leveraging AI and associated tools.

The project, co-funded by the European Union, was an excellent opportunity to learn and share knowledge with amazing colleagues and partners from various countries, develop new networks, and explore possible areas of collaboration.

We appreciate the privilege offered by our partners and colleagues to be part of the beautiful learning experience: GEYC, Center for Social Innovation – CSI, Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg, Tatjana Kasper Mostapha Boukllouâ Pierluigi Delgiudice ReDI School of Digital Integration, Julia Ilzhöfer Jasmin Kälber Maria Popescu , CESIE in Palermo, Miganoush Magarian, Sophie Bruhn and the great team at TeachSurfing gUG