Gemeinsam Kochen und Essen

Food is a part of intangible cultural heritage and a great connector among humans.

Beyond its basic function of nourishment, food can bring people together, foster relationships, and create lasting bonds. Whether it’s a family gathering, a romantic dinner, or a casual get-together with friends, sharing a meal creates an unparalleled sense of connection and intimacy.

Through Gemenisam Kochen und Essen, we want to evoke new emotions, discover cultures, create new memories and build connections through food.

All participants will join hands and ideas to prepare a meal and eat together.

The lead cook will share stories about the origin of the meal, its nutritional benefits and cultural importance.

Come and as you are!

Due to the limited space, participation is strictly by registration.

Contact the number on the flyer to book your spot.

All applications received after the required number is secured will be on the waiting list. Such will have the opportunity to join the event if someone pulls out or would receive preferential consideration for the next edition!

Please bear with us.


Apr 19 2024


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Wendenstraße 25, 20097 Hamburg
Wendenstraße 25, 20097 Hamburg
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